Review for the art project to honor the coal generation
arranged from the artists
Georg Hornemann and Heike Altmann
An art project that displays and celebrates the development of our industrial society. It also honors the coal generation and the closure of the last hard coal mine in 2018. The idea was developed by Georg Hornemann, one of the famous goldsmiths and artists in Düsseldorf who was living and working in Essen and Heike Altmann, an artist from Essen who is also an Art Director.
The joint project from both artists, Georg Hornemann, who has received numerous awards for his goldsmith art and Heike Altmann, who studied multiple times in New York at the Art Students League, was marked by creative energy. Both artists want to pay tribute to the coal industry with this project, COAL · STEEL · DIAMOND.
The “Kreuzeskirche” that´s in the middle of Essen and also in the centre of the “Ruhr“ coal area, is also for this special show a place for art, culture and religion. The “Kreuzeskirche“ in Essen as an example is very important for all coal miners which was and still is the connection for the church and religion.
Therefore, we chose to take like 12 apostles as a symbol for 12 “Kumpel” =miner and 12 stainless handcarts. Those 12 high polished stainless handcarts, designed by Heike Altmann, packed on top with protected hard coal from the mine “Prosper Haniel“. Those high polished stainless handcarts were presented on a flamed wood base in the “Kreuzeskirche“.
The special part from Georg Hornemann was one small handcart in silver packed with hard coal and with grey diamonds on the top. Around this high polished silver handcart were presented as well other coal art pieces designed by Georg Hornemann.
With the closure of the last mine of hard coal is also the end of an era, which was worthwhile for the industrial development. The handcart is the symbol for of this time in the past.
The coal mine was in “North Rhine Westfalia“ for many generations and is responsible for the development of Germany and our industry. Therefore, that project was made with emotions that still remain. The project is currently around the closure of the last hard coal mine “Prosper Haniel“ this year – at least – the end of the coal age.
The partner for this project was the mine “Prosper Haniel“.
For interest in some of those pieces or any information, please contact me via E-mail:
All of those pictures and art pieces are copyrighted.